Patient C.

Breast Augmentation with Rounded Implants


Height: 5 ft. 4 in.│Weight: 117 lbs.


After having two children, this 39 year old female came in for consultation for breast enhancement for significant loss of volume to her breast size she had before pregnancy. She wished a more natural and subtle appearance following her surgery. She had breast augmentation surgery using a smooth, round, moderate profile implant with a volume of 325cc, filled to 340cc. By using a moderate profile implant, the augmentation is not quite as projecting, and she achieved the more natural, subtle result she desired. She was very happy with her results.

Contact Leonard Plastic Surgery

Leonard Plastic Surgery

Water Place │ 500 Liberty Street S.E., Suite 400 │ Salem, OR 97301

(503) 391-2760 │

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