Patient A.

Latissimus Dorsi Flap Implant


At 55 years of age, this woman came for a consultation with Dr. Leonard for breast reconstruction. She previously had double mastectomies, there was minimal tissue to stretch to create a new breast mound. The best reconstruction option for her a double latissimus dorsi musculotcutaneous flaps. Tissue and muscle are moved from the back to provide extra skin for tissue expansion, and the muscle provides coverage for the expanders and then the final implants. With the use of the latissimus dorsi muscle, there is no loss of any functional strength. Silicone gel plants with a moderate profile were used as here final implant. The final steps were nipple reconstruction and tattooing. She is very happy happy with the results she achieved. She is extremely less self-conscious when wearing clothes and at home.

Contact Leonard Plastic Surgery

Leonard Plastic Surgery

Water Place │ 500 Liberty Street S.E., Suite 400 │ Salem, OR 97301

(503) 391-2760 │

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