Patient C

Expander Implants


This woman was 49 years old and was diagnosed with right breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Following discussions with both the cancer surgeon and Dr. Leonard, she elected to proceed with a nipple ablating mastectomy on the right side and nipple sparing mastectomy on the left. Tissue expanders were placed immediately following her mastectomies, and final implants were round high profile silicone gel. For a more natural look, her pectoralis muscle was released when the tissue expanders where placed, and a skin substitute (acellular dermal matrix) was used in the lower part of the breast. Post op photos were after completion of her second reconstruction and she was an excellent late result. 

Contact Leonard Plastic Surgery

Leonard Plastic Surgery

Water Place │ 500 Liberty Street S.E., Suite 400 │ Salem, OR 97301

(503) 391-2760 │

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